Win summer this year with an Above Ground Pool! It is a cost friendly purchase that you and your family can enjoy all season long. Lucky for you E-Z Test Pools has plenty in stock, ready to go home with you!

The Trevi 211, is an Above Ground Pool that will transform your backyard for the better. These pools come in two different forms including round and oval shapes.
Round Sizes Include:
12’, 15’, 18’, 21’, 24’, 27’, 30’
Oval shapes include:
12’ x 18’, 12’ x 21’, 12’ x 24’, 15’ x 24’, 15’ x 30’, 18’ x 33’
With state-of-the-art features, this above ground pool is sure to last and live up to its fullest potential. The Trevi 211’s features include improved stability, resistance to soil movement and a unique secure-lock bottom track that shores the entire thing up.

E-Z Test Pools offers financing on all Above Ground Pools for 0% up to 18 Months through Wells Fargo.
If you would like to learn more about the Trevi 211, visit us in-store or online.