The Logistics of a Pool Installation

Construction sites can often be referred to as organized and controlled chaos. Excavators and dump trucks removing and delivering site materials. Cement trucks, water trucks, and cranes, are all coming and going. All of this has to be organized in the backyard. The term we use is “logistics” and can be defined as the following:

Logistics – The detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people.

Each project has a construction site manager along with a logistics manager who works together to make sure that products and materials arrive at the project site as scheduled. This is all done behind the scenes quietly and confidently.

Our goals in managing an installation are: keeping the customer informed, managing expectations, and controlling the operation. How well we are able to manage these three items often determines the success and customer satisfaction of a project. Keeping the customer informed consists of providing daily updates as to what to expect in their backyard. Our customers always have the site manager’s phone number and they can always call with any questions or concerns that they may have along the way. YouTube videos are used extensively in our sales process to help educate the customer. We use these videos which have been created by us to advise customers on what to expect. We find that when they see the process captured in a video it helps with them understanding the process.

A backyard under construction is stressful to a homeowner. A large hole with dirt in their backyard can be worrisome. It’s important to remember, however, that in order to create a backyard oasis, we have to create a little backyard chaos first. This is where clear and positive customer communication really comes into play. Setting the expectation that their yard will look a lot worse before it’s transformed helps the homeowner and family to deal with what is going on throughout their property. We try to remind customers along the way that fiberglass pools last a long time and create memories that last a lifetime. A few weeks of pain will be worth the many memories created.

The finished product and the smile on the customer’s face at the end of the project is often priceless.

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