How to Clean and Drain Your Spa or Hot Tub

1. Filter Cartridge

The first step in caring for your spa is to locate, remove, and clean the filter cartridge. This is done by removing the floating skimmer weir and taking the cartridge out of the filter assembly. Let the cartridge drain and then apply a healthy dose of the  Filter Blaster to the surface of the filter and also in between all of the pleats. Once sufficiently coated, hold under running water and clean off all of the dirt and grime that’s on the surface.

2. Jet Clean

The next step would be to add the Jet Clean chemical directly into the filter assembly. This allows the chemical to run throughout all of the lines and take care of any dirt and grime that may be inside. Run the jets on high for about 15 minutes to mix the chemical and then allow the spa or tub to sit for about an hour. After this hour is completed, run the jets for another 15 minutes or so to blow out any of the accumulated residue that’s been broken down by the added chemical.

3. Drain

At this point, It’s time to use a submersible pump or the existing drain plug on the hot tub to drain all of the water out. Once the tub is drained, apply the Wipe Out cleaner to the inside surfaces with a special focus on any scum lines, or visible dirt, grime, etc. that could still be remaining.

4. Refill

Once the spa or hot tub is clean to your liking, fill with fresh water and bring in a water sample to your local to your local pool and spa store to check for proper water chemistry.

Featured products are Wipe OutFilter Blaster, and Jet Clean. All of these products are available for purchase on our website and in our 3 retail locations. 

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