Maine Woods Pellet Co.

Maine Woods Pellet Co. is based in Athens, Maine, and has a state-of-the-art production facility on a beautiful 55-acre site which is used strictly for the production of wood pellets in a highly efficient manner. They obtain their raw materials from sustainable woodlands which are owned and managed by the company’s partners who are certified Master Loggers. They also have a network of sawmills that they clean wood chips and sawdust.

What Makes a Maine Woods Pellet Co. Wood Pellet?

Wood pellets are a clean and renewable energy source and at their Maine plant, they can produce an amazing 100,000 tons annually which goes a very long way in replacing 12,000,000 gallons of fuel oil. The pellet is carbon neutral which reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 260,000,000 pounds. A Maine Woods Pellet Co. pellet contains less than 1% ash, less than .5% fines, and less than 8% moisture.

The organization pre-screens all of the wood before processing it. This is done to not incorporate any additives or debris into the product. This practice is not a typical one as many wood pellet manufacturers use soybean or vegetable oil and some even use plastics in the process. This is not the practice of the Maine Woods Pellet Co. as they only use 100% wood with a secure year-round source for the needed raw materials. This excellent sourcing allows for the ultimate in product quality as well as pricing that is stable and consistent.

How is a Wood Pellet Made?

A wood pellet comes in the form of either wood chips or sawdust from places like sawmills and workshops. The pellet manufacturer takes the wood in, it’s sorted through and loaded into hoppers to distinguish between softwood and hardwood. Wood is then dropped into something called a hammer mill that grinds the wood into pieces that are less than an inch in size. The next stop is the wood dryer which usually has many sections all with the main goal of drying out the wood. Once the wood is dry, it again goes into a hammer mill where the wood is ground up even further into a material that resembles sawdust. After going through several other machines to further dry it, the wood material is compressed and forced through tapered holes which create wood pellets. These new pellets are dried and sent to storage silos. At this point, the pellets are either packed for bag sale or for bulk commercial sale. This complex process is controlled by a cutting-edge computer system. The operators control the plant from the touch screens in the control room or from the portable console out near the pellet machines.

At E-Z Test Pool Supplies we sell Maine Woods Pellet Co. wood pellets in 40-pound bags at $6.99 and in Skids/Pallets which is 50 40-pound bags for $299. (As of 2022) This year we are selling the 70-30 blend hardwood/softwood. We also deliver to the nearby regions for an additional fee. Contact us today with any questions or to order.

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